Monday, December 1, 2014


This year Dallen and I decided not go home this year for thanksgiving. It was our very first time not spending the holiday with family and we really missed them lots but we had such a great time just celebrating the weekend with our own little family! It was SO fun!! Even though it was just a few short days, this was Dallen's first real break from school since he started back in august so of course he was excited to just kick back and chill. And that's exactly what we did! We slept in everyday, watched lots and lots of movies and countless episodes of Modern Family, shopped, played in snow, made yummy food together, played x-box, family walks (on the warm days) and just cherished every moment we had together! It was more than fabulous :)

Our actual thanksgiving day was perfect. Dallen's school provided dinner for all the students and their families that couldn't make it home for thanksgiving. They had so much food and it was so good!! They even had to-go boxes so everyone could take left-overs home. What a terrific school; it was so nice of them to do that for everyone. We planned with a few other families we know to meet at the schools to eat and then to come back to our apartment afterwards to hang out. It was a perfect evening with friends. We played games, watched football, drank hot chocolate, ate MORE food, chatted, and laughed..a lot! I guess you could say it was a great friendsgiving! :) This year made us realize that you don't have to be with family to make the holidays special. Don't get me wrong, we absolutely LOVE, love, love our families and we missed the a lot last week! But it was nice to just embrace the life we have right now and the situation we are in and go along with the traditions set here by the school and students. We are so glad we did because Dallen and I got to spend lots of time with just us as our own little family which was super great!! And also, we got to spend quality time with friends! It was a merry friendsgiving!

It's so great that there's such an amazing support group here. I know I've said it a million times before, but we absolutely love and are blessed to be here because of how great everyone is and the support of fellow students and their families. I love it! Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. 

~ The Popes

thanksgiving dinner :)

our shopping buddy!

we slept a lot :)

dad is the best!

scratches cupcakes

bath time

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