Thursday, March 5, 2015

Bringing R Home :)

One year ago today, dallen and I received the greatest gift ever. . After 2 very long weeks in the NICU, we were finally able to take sweet baby Ryker home with us!!! I'll never forget the pure excitment we felt when the doctors gave us the word that Ryker was being released. Being in the NICU with Ryker was one of the absolute scariest, emotional, and hardest time of our lives. It was like being on an emotional roller coaster. Some days were great and wonderful and the next day would turn right around and be the hardest ever. We've never cried so many tears and felt so much hearache. But this experience was also the most humbling. Dallen and I grew so much individually and as a couple during that time and I'm grateful for this trial we were faced with. It was definitely a trial of faith. Dallen and I focused each and every day on our baby boy and relied purely on the love and support from our families and the comfort of the spirit. We said more prayers than we've ever said while in that hospital and it amazes me how much our testimonies grew and strengthened. Heavenly Father blessed our little family in more ways than we can count and I'm so grateful for that and for the power of the spirit in our lives.

On 3/5/14 I will never forget walking out of those NICU doors carrying Ryker with us. It was such a surreal moment. My awesome mother was waiting for us in the waiting room outside as we came out. We walked our little boy with his oxygen tank down to the car, got him situatedand and secured, said a little prayer and we were on our way! That drive from Salt Lake City to Cokeville Wyoming where we were living was the longest drive ever!! I made Dallen pull over about 5 times because I kept thinking ryker wasn't breathing. Don't worry he was totally fine, I was just completely paranoid. We FINALLY made it home and were greeted by the love from family. It was so wonderful to be home. 

One thing no one warns you about is the very first night of sleep when you bring your newborn home. Dallen and I  always talk about how that was the absolute hardest night ever. (We can now laugh about it though!) We both woke up constantly to make sure he was ok and still alive. Haha! I'm sure a huge part of that was the machine that we took home to monitor rykers oxygen levels would beep repeatidly making us constantly on edge he wasn't recovering the proper oxygen. Oh boy, what a night. BUT we made it through it. Everything became easier as everyone said it would and our sweet boy is the happiest and healthiest today!!!

Here's a few pictures of us bringing him home :)

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