Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ryker Is Six Months

I don't know when this happened, but our baby boy is six months!! I can not believe how much he has changed and how fast he has grown up. You don't really see and realize their changes until you look back on pictures and videos. But I sure do love this little boy so much! Who knew just how happy these tiny humans can make you but they really, REALLY do :)

Ryker at six months:
~loves to sleep. He still takes between 3-4 naps a day. Although, still has not fully mastered sleeping through the whole night. He wakes up almost every morning between 4-6am. I know its killing me!
~hates being on his tummy but just in the last few weeks has gotten a lot better at playing on his tummy and is really starting to roll over lots
~wears 9 month clothing even though they are slightly big on him
~wears size 3 diapers
~still hates being in the car and carseat (that hasn't changed since he was a newborn)
~LOVES food! His favorites are pears & bananas.
~loves to watch Baby Einstein videos. He could watch them all day if we'd let him but don't worry, we don't :)
~sucks on his hands constantly and his feet are his favorite toys
~he is happiest when he takes his baths and could stay in the water forever
~recognizes Dallen and I and it's our favorite thing! He is constantly smiling at us and we love it. When he gets tired, he loves to hold our faces with his hands. We think its his way of hugging. Its the best!
~smiles at stranger when we go out and he gets so much attention from everyone
~his smile and laugh are absolutely contagious
~loves to talk and hear is voice
~he's discovered his saliva
~he's pretty much the greatest thing

We do not know what we would do without this little guy in our life. He makes our world go round and makes us smile when we are down. My favorite topic and conversations that dallen and I have are the ones where we talk about our gratitude for Ryker. . . that he is our little boy. That Heavenly Father trusted us with this perfect little human to raise together. Not every day is perfect and we're not the most perfect parents in the world but we do feel our lives have become more meaningful with Ryker in it and we can't help but become more and more obsessed with him every single day! Happy SIX baby boy.

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