Friday, August 15, 2014

We're Back!

YES we're back! The Popes are back to the blogging world! Its only been, oh.... a few years since my last post. No big deal :) But Dallen and I have just began one of the biggest, scariest but most blessed journey of our lives and I want to capture our moments here as we tackle this adventure together. As you all know, Dallen is attending Des Moines University in Iowa as he works toward his goal of becoming a Poditric Surgeon. Its hard to believe but I can't begin to tell you how much we are loving Iowa!! Dallen and I talk all the time about how grateful we are that we chose to come here. The Lord works in ways that are sometimes not always understood until later but we both have strong testimonies in the power of prayer and having faith in our Heavenly Father. Dallen and I both know that we were lead and guided to this wonderful place and have received blessing we never knew we could have as a result of our willingness to follow the promptings of the spirit. Dallen loves his school, loves the program and has some amazing classmates he can relate to and rely on. We love our apartment, ward, and friends that we have already made here. Ryker has so many friends his age that he will get to play and grow up with. We think we will have a great little life here! We both have such a positive mind set and attitude as we start this new and challenging but rewarding life here in Iowa!

Ok so it's VERY obvious that I am the worlds worst writer. Im not creative when I write, I can't spell, I'm not very insightful, I have the worst grammar, and I really don't have to many catchy and interesting things to say. So why am I blogging you ask??? Im doing this for me & my family. And because I want to share my thoughts and feeling with all that I love. As we take on this challenging new adventure, I want a way to express my gratitude of this life that I've been given as I continue to stay optimistic and happy along the way. Now, if you love me for who I am then you'll be patient with me and read my blog anyways ;)

So please follow me and follow along as we share moments of this fun new life we have started and the memories we'll make along the way!!


  1. Okay, I was super surprised and excited to see your name pop up at the top of my blog list! I love that you love it in Iowa. It definitely eases the sting of you not being here! I also love that you are blogging again. Personally, I am so happy to have my blog as a record of our adventures. I imagine that it will someday be an awesome read for my kids someday. Keep it up, and post some pictures soon of your new life!

  2. Glad to hear that you are doing well. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family! Miss you guys!
